今天下午,汪峰章子怡宣布离婚。 宋仲基发誓说跟宋慧乔不离不弃;李晨说会一直保护范冰冰;谢霆锋说会跟张柏芝好好在一起;文章说这辈子最骄傲的是马伊琍;如今章子怡汪峰也离婚了…… 世间变化无常, 真正永恒不变,永远陪在你身旁的, 恐怕只有LR了 毕竟知识不会骗人!每天持续行动学外语! 🤔️小作业: 1. Which of the following best captures the meaning of "amicable" as used in the article? a) Unemotional b) Sudden c) Friendly d) Complicated 2. Which statement reflects the article's overarching tone towards celebrity relationships? a) Optimistic b) Cynical c) Neutral d) Indifferent 3. What does Jennifer Kowalski suggest is a key factor in maintaining a relationship for celebrities? a) Keeping a low profile b) Effective communication c) Putting career aspirations aside d) Seeking couples therapy 无注释原文: Why is every celebrity couple breaking up? Relationship experts think we shouldn't be so shocked From: The Independent As the age-old saying goes, death tends to come in threes. But what about the death of a relationship? It seems that everywhere we look, a new celebrity couple is breaking up. With every breakup or divorce announcement, fans are bound to speculate the reasons for a celebrity couple's split, despite affirmations from so-called “sources” that their breakup wasamicable. Because, can a celebrity breakup ever beamicable, especially when there's so many obstacles that can put strain on their relationship? In fact, relationship experts suggest that the nature of a celebrity relationship in itself is not sustainable. Sabrina Alexis Bendory, a New York City-based dating coach and co-author of the women's relationship site, A New Mode, suggested that celebrity couples are simply not built to last at all. “The nature of being a celebrity is not very conducive to having a long lasting relationship. That's why it's shocking when celebrity couples last,” she told The Independent. “It's not shocking anymore when they break up, it's shocking when they've been together for 15 years. Like, this is a miracle.” Fame, fortune, career aspirations, or even an intimate movie scene with a co-star can all put pressure on a celebrity relationship. Not to mention that their every move is constantly being watched or scrutinised by the public. “Two pairs of celebrities getting divorced doesn't signify a trend, but it highlights how difficult it is for public figures to keep their personal and professional lives in sync,” said Susan Winter, relationship expert and author of Older Women/Younger Men. “Couples grow apart. That's the truth of our modern relationships. It's a lot of work to keep our goals in alignment.” When some celebrity couples break up, they often cite too much time spent apart as the reason for the split. “Creative projects require time, attention, and oftentimes, travel,” Winter said. “There's only so much bandwidth we have to give to our work and our relationship. Excessive time apart can erode the romantic connection with our mate.” For relationships that do make it, it may come at the price of one partner's career aspirations or demanding schedule. According to Jennifer Kowalski - a licensed professional counselor at Thriveworks who specialises in relationships, behavioural issues, and trauma - good communication is key to maintaining a relationship, especially one that's plagued by set call times and red carpets. “They have to manage all the time that they spend away from each other. They have to agree to travel with each other, to wherever the tour is or wherever the set is that they need to be at. Or they need to have an agreement that while they're apart, they're going to communicate daily,” she said. “There has to be very good communication between them.” That is, unless their partner happens to be someone who's not in the entertainment industry. Choosing this so-called road less travelled comes with its perks too. If a celebrity's partner is relatively unknown with an ordinary job, this sense of normalcy can help ground them and bring them back down to earth. And without the demanding schedule of a world tour or six-month film shoot, long distances are made short when you can travel with your partner. “When you're famous, that does tend to be the number one. Every decision in your life is basically driven by your image, by your career, by keeping it going. You have a whole team of people around you that you have to support. That's a lot and, in a lot of ways, you're a commodity,” Bendory said. There's much to envy about the lifestyles of the rich and famous, but it seems that celebrity relationships are not one of them. If celebrities are unable to maintain a relationship - even with their perfectly coiffed hairstyles, ageless skin, stylised wardrobes, and luxurious homes - then what hope is there for the rest of us? Luckily, none of that matters, according to Kowalski. “I think that's all the superficial, surface-level stuff. That's not what it takes to maintain a relationship,” said Kowalski. “If they truly want to have a sustainable relationship, it would mean that they need to maybe take a step back from whatever they're doing, focus more on the relationship, put the career on hold, or make that come second to the relationship.” - ◆ - 注:完整题目见本文开头;中文文本为机器翻译并非一一对应,仅供参考 含注释全文: Why is every celebrity couple breaking up? Relationship experts think we shouldn't be so shocked From: The Independent As theage-oldsaying goes, death tends to come in threes. But what about the death of a relationship? 俗话常,祸不单行。但当涉及到感情关系结束时,是否也是这样呢? age-old age-old /ˌeɪdʒˈəʊld/ 表示“古老的;由来已久的”,英文解释为“very old”如:an age-old story of love and betrayal 关于爱和背叛的古老故事。 death comes in threes Death comes in threes是一个在英语文化中常见的迷信观念或俚语,意思是不幸或死亡往往是成群发生的,特别是三个一组。暗示当一个人去世后,接下来可能还会有两个相似的不幸事件紧随其后。这个说法没有明确的科学依据,但在西方文化中相当普遍。这个说法的来源并不十分明确,但它反映了人们在面对不可预测、难以解释的事件(如死亡)时,常常会寻找模式或规律以便更好地理解或接受它。 It seems that everywhere we look, a new celebrity couple is breaking up. 现今,几乎到处都是明星分手的新闻。 With every breakup or divorce announcement, fans areboundtospeculatethe reasons for a celebrity couple's split, despiteaffirmationsfrom so-called “sources” that their breakup wasamicable. Because, can a celebrity breakup ever be amicable, especially when there's so many obstacles that can putstrainon their relationship? 每当有明星宣布分手或离婚,即使有“内部消息”声称是和平分手,粉丝们还是会疯狂猜测分开的原因。因为在明星的生活中,有太多因素可能会让关系出现裂痕,所以大家都会问,明星真的能和平分手吗? bound 1)bound /baʊnd/ 作动词,表示“跳跃;跳动;跳跃着前进”,英文解释为“to move quickly with large jumping movements” 2)bound作形容词 表示“去…的;准备前往…的;开往…的”,英文解释为“If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it.”通常用法:be bound for,举个🌰:The train was bound for Hangzhou. 这火车是开往杭州的。 🍸如果你留意的话,坐地铁时会有这个用法。例如上海地铁2号线上,经常会听到的: 🍸本次列车终点站广兰路,到浦东国际机场方向的乘客请在广兰路换乘。The terminal station is Guanglan Road. You can transfer to the train bound for Pudong International Airport at Guanglan Road. 3)be bound to表示“一定会;很可能会”,英文解释为“certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth”举个🌰:There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced. 引进新系统后一定会发生变化。 4)表示“受束缚的,受约束的;(法律或道德上)有义务的”,英文解释为“having a moral or legal duty to do something”举个🌰:The company is bound by a special agreement to involve the union in important decisions. 公司受一项特殊协定的约束,须请工会参与重大决策。 📍-bound后缀,还可以表示“受限于…的,不能离开…的”,英文解释为“(causing people to be) unable to leave a place because of an unwanted condition”举个🌰:During his long illness he was completely housebound (= he could not leave the house). 久病期间,他只能一直呆在家里。 speculate 表示“推测;猜测;推断”,英文解释为“to form an opinion about sth without knowing all the details or facts”举个🌰:We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation. 我们大家都推测过她辞职的原因。 📺美剧《24小时》(24 Hours)中的台词提到:I wouldn't want to speculate at this time, 这次我不想妄加揣测。 affirmation affirmation /ˌæf.əˈmeɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“证实;确认;断言”,英文解释为“a statement or sign that something is true”举个🌰:We welcome the government's affirmation of its intention to act. 我们欢迎政府确认它确实有意图采取行动。 2)表示“肯定,确认”,英文解释为“the act of saying yes or of showing that you mean yes” 3)表示“支持;肯定”,英文解释为“support or approval”举个🌰:He scours the newspapers for slights and affirmation. 他在报纸上搜寻轻视和肯定的内容。 amicable amicable /ˈæmɪkəbəl/ 表示“友好的,和睦的”,英文解释为“relating to an agreement or decision that is achieved without people arguing or being unpleasant”举个🌰:Few people have amicable divorces. 很少有人在离婚时好说好散。 strain 1)表示“压力;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等)”,英文解释为“pressure on sb/sth because they have too much to do or manage, or sth very difficult to deal with; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces”举个🌰:You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. 你要学会怎样应付公众人物生活的紧张和辛劳。 2)表示“(动植物的)品系,株系,品种”,英文解释为“an animal or plant from a particular group whose characteristics are different in some way from others of the same group”举个🌰:Scientists have discovered a new strain of the virus which is much more dangerous. 科学家们已经发现了一种危险得多的新病毒。 📍此前9000名乘客因鼻拭子重复使用受害文中出现的例句:The health ministry confirmed this week that it had recorded two cases of the more infectious strain that was first detected in India. 卫生部本周证实,已发现了两例在印度首次发现的更具传染性的病毒株。 3)strains 表示“旋律;曲调”,英文解释为“the sound of music being played or performed”举个🌰:I could hear the strains of Mozart in the background. 我听见背景音中有莫扎特的旋律。 In fact, relationship experts suggest that the nature of a celebrity relationship in itself is notsustainable. Sabrina Alexis Bendory, a New York City-based dating coach and co-author of the women's relationship site, A New Mode, suggested that celebrity couples are simply not built to last at all. 事实上,情感专家认为,明星间恋情本质上就不可能长久。纽约约会教练、女性情感网站“A New Mode”共同创始人萨布丽娜·阿莱克西斯·本多瑞(Sabrina Alexis Bendory)指出,明星间恋情通常难以长久维持。 sustainable sustainable /səˈsteɪ.nə.bəl/ 表示“(对环境没有损害或损害很小因而)可持续的,能长期维持的”,英文解释为“causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time”举个🌰:A large international meeting was held with the aim of promoting sustainable development in all countries. 召开了一个旨在推进所有国家可持续发展的大型国际会议。 “The nature of being a celebrity is not veryconduciveto having a long lasting relationship. That's why it's shocking when celebrity couples last,” she told The Independent. “It's not shocking anymore when they break up, it's shocking when they've been together for 15 years. Like, this is a miracle.” 她在接受《独立报》采访时表示:“身为明星的本质就不适合维护长期的感情关系。所以,当我们看到明星夫妇能维持长久的关系时,我们才会感到惊讶。现在让人感到惊讶的不是他们分开了,而是他们能在一起15年,这简直像是个奇迹。” conducive 表示“有利的,有助的,有益的”,英文解释为“If one thing is conducive to another thing, it makes the other thing likely to happen.”举个🌰:Make your bedroom as conducive to sleep as possible. 把你的卧室尽可能地布置得有助于睡眠。 📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情后影响的文章中提到:Wherever or however people end up working, the experience of living in a pandemic is not conducive to creative thought. 无论人们最终困在何地以何种方式工作,疫情期间的生活体验都不利于创造性思维。 Fame, fortune, career aspirations, or even anintimatemovie scene with a co-star can all put pressure on a celebrity relationship. Not to mention that their every move is constantly being watched orscrutinisedby the public. 无论是名望、财富,还是事业上的压力,或者与合作演员间的亲密戏份,这些都可能成为名人感情关系面临的考验。更不用说他们的一举一动都受到公众的密切关注。 intimate 表示“亲密的;有性关系的;宜于密切关系的”,英文解释为“having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship”如:intimate relationships 亲密关系,举个🌰:The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere. 这家餐厅的氛围很怡人。 scrutinise 英式 scrutinise 美式 scrutinize /ˈskruː.tɪ.naɪz/ 表示“仔细察看,审查”,英文解释为“If you scrutinize something, you examine it very carefully, often to find out some information from it or about it.”举个🌰:Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man. 她的目的是仔细察看他的特征看他是不是个诚实的人。 “Two pairs of celebrities getting divorced doesn'tsignifya trend, but it highlights how difficult it is for public figures to keep their personal and professional lives insync,” said Susan Winter, relationship expert and author of Older Women/Younger Men. “Couples grow apart. That's the truth of our modern relationships. It's a lot of work to keep our goals inalignment.” 感情专家、作家苏珊·温特(Susan Winter)说:“虽然两对明星离婚并不意味着是一种趋势,但它确实凸显出公众人物在个人生活和职业生活之间如何难以找到平衡。感情会因为种种原因而疏远,这就是我们现代恋情的现实。要保持目标的一致性需要付出很多努力。” signify 1)表示“表示;意味着”,英文解释为“If an event, a sign, or a symbol signifies something, it is a sign of that thing or represents that thing.”举个🌰:These were not the only changes that signified the end of boyhood. 这些不是表示男孩时代已结束的唯一变化。 2)表示“(用符号或手势)表达”,英文解释为“If you signify something, you make a sign or gesture in order to communicate a particular meaning.”举个🌰:Two jurors signified their dissent. 两个陪审员表达了他们的异议。 🎬电影《不死鸟》(Phoenix)中的台词提到:What do the circles signify? 圆圈是什么意思? 🎬电影《我,机器人》(I, Robot)中的台词提到:What does this action signify? 这个动作是什么意思? sync sync /sɪŋk/ 可以作名词,相当于synchronization的非正式说法,也可以作动词,表示“(使)同步;(使)同时发生”,英文解释为“to arrange for two or more things to happen at exactly the same time, or to happen at the same time or in the same way as something else”举个🌰:The hardest part was syncing the music to the video. 最难的部分就是使音乐和图像同步。 类似的: 📍synchronize /ˈsɪŋkrəˌnaɪz/表示“(使)同时发生,(使)同步”,英文解释为“to happen at exactly the same time, or to arrange for two or more actions to happen at exactly the same time”举个🌰:Synchronize the score with the film action. 让配乐和电影动作同步。 📍其中的score,熟词僻义,表示“乐谱”(a written or printed copy of a piece of music, especially for a large group of performers, or the music itself),如:a musical score 乐谱。 alignment 1)表示“列队,排整齐”,英文解释为“an arrangement in which two or more things are positioned in a straight line or parallel to each other”举个🌰:The problem is happening because the wheels are out of alignment with each other. 出现这个问题是因为车轮定位不正。 2)表示“结盟,联盟;联合”,英文解释为“an agreement between a group of countries, political parties, or people who want to work together because of shared interests or aims”举个🌰:New alignments are being formed within the business community. 在商界,新的联盟关系正逐渐形成。 📍2022年政府工作报告Part 19中提到:增强“四个意识”、and boost our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. 最后一个,“看齐意识”就是“keep in alignment with the central Party leadership”. When some celebrity couples break up, they often cite too much time spent apart as the reason for the split. “Creative projects require time, attention, and oftentimes, travel,” Winter said. “There's only so muchbandwidthwe have to give to our work and our relationship. Excessive time apart canerodethe romantic connection with our mate.” 一些明星分手时,常常会提到因为长时间分开而导致感情疏远。“创造性的工作需要时间、精力,而且往往还需要出差,”温特补充说。“我们能同时关注到工作和感情的精力有限。长时间的分开会逐渐消磨掉与伴侣之间的浪漫关系。” bandwidth bandwidth /ˈbænd.wɪtθ/ 1)表示“带宽”,英文解释为“a measurement of the amount of information that can be sent between computers, through a phone line, etc.”举个🌰:The system will handle signals that need high bandwidth, for instance those that encode TV pictures. 这个系统可以处理需要高带宽的信号,比如编码压缩过的电视图像信号。 2)表示“处理大信息或复杂情况所需的时间、精力和综合能力”,英文解释为“the ability or time to deal with a situation, especially one that involves a large amount of information or a number of problems”举个🌰:I don't have the bandwidth to read stuff I know isn't going to lead to productive discussion. 我没有精力去看那种没什么正面意义的东西。 erode 表示“降低,削弱”,英文解释为“If the value of something erodes or is eroded by something such as inflation or age, its value decreases.”举个🌰:Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits. 金融市场的竞争降低了利润。 还可以指“(气候)侵蚀,腐蚀;(岩石、土壤)风化”等(if the weather erodes rock or soil, or if rock or soil erodes, its surface is gradually destroyed)。 For relationships that do make it, it may come at the price of one partner's career aspirations ordemandingschedule. According to Jennifer Kowalski - a licensed professional counselor at Thriveworks who specialises in relationships, behavioural issues, andtrauma- good communication is key to maintaining a relationship, especially one that'splaguedby set call times and red carpets. 那些能维持住的感情关系,可能需要其中一方做出职业上的妥协或调整日程安排。珍妮弗·科瓦尔斯基(Jennifer Kowalski)是 Thriveworks的执业专业心理咨询师,专门研究人际关系、行为问题和心理创伤。她认为,良好的沟通是维持一段感情关系的关键,尤其是那些受影视拍摄和红毯活动困扰的感情关系。 demanding demanding /dɪˈmɑːn.dɪŋ/ 表示“费时费力的,耗费精力的”,英文解释为“needing a lot of time, attention, or energy”举个🌰:She's a very demanding child. 她是个特别不让人省心的孩子。 trauma trauma /ˈtrɔːmə/ 表示“精神创伤,心理创伤”,英文解释为“(a) severe emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience”举个🌰:He had psychotherapy to help him deal with his childhood traumas. 他进行了心理治疗以医治童年时代受到的心理创伤。 plague 1)作名词可表示“瘟疫,疫病”,如:a fresh outbreak of plague 瘟疫的新一轮爆发; 2)作动词表示“不断困扰,折磨,使苦恼”,英文解释为“to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time”,举个🌰 :She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness. 她受虚弱、疲劳和眩晕所折磨。 🎬电影《白宫管家》(The Butler)中的台词提到:It's time we take a stand against these injustices that have plagued our community. 现在是时候该表明立场和采取行动来对抗这些已困扰我们很久了的不公。 “They have to manage all the time that they spend away from each other. They have to agree to travel with each other, to wherever the tour is or wherever the set is that they need to be at. Or they need to have an agreement that while they're apart, they're going to communicate daily,” she said. “There has to be very good communication between them.” “他们需要管理彼此分开的所有时间,需要同意一起去参加巡演或者去拍戏的地方。或者他们需要在分开的时候每天都进行沟通,”她说。“他们之间必须要有很好的沟通。” That is, unless their partner happens to be someone who's not in the entertainment industry. 当然,除非他们的伴侣不是来自娱乐圈。 Choosing this so-called road less travelled comes with itsperkstoo. If a celebrity's partner is relatively unknown with an ordinary job, this sense of normalcy can help ground them and bring them back down to earth. And without the demanding schedule of a world tour or six-month film shoot, long distances are made short when you can travel with your partner. 选择这条所谓的“少有人走的路”也有其好处。如果明星的伴侣相对不知名,有普通的工作,这种平凡感会让他们更加脚踏实地。而没有世界巡回演出或者长达六个月电影拍摄的高强度日程安排,当你能和伴侣一起旅行时,长距离就不再是问题。 perk 1)表示“(因工作而享有的)补贴,津贴,额外待遇”,英文解释为“an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job”举个🌰:A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job. 这份工作的一些额外待遇包括配备公车和移动电话。 2)表示“好处,有利条件”,英文解释为“an advantage”举个🌰:Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks of living in Hangzhou. 一些最好的电影院和剧院就近在咫尺,这是在杭州生活所享受的便利之一。 “When you're famous, that does tend to be the number one. Every decision in your life is basically driven by your image, by your career, by keeping it going. You have a whole team of people around you that you have to support. That's a lot and, in a lot of ways, you're acommodity,” Bendory said. “当你成名后,这基本上就是你生活中最重要的事了。你生活中的每一个决策都是基于你的形象、事业和维持这一切而作出的。你还要养活一整个团队,这实在是太多了,从很多方面来说,你就像是一个商品,”本多瑞说。 commodity 1)表示“商品,货物”,英文解释为“a product or a raw material that can be bought and sold”如:rice, flour and other basic commodities 稻米、面粉和其他基本商品; 2)表示“宝贵品质”,英文解释为“a valuable quality”举个🌰:If you're going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity. 如果你要干教师这一行,必须要有充沛的精力。 There's much to envy about the lifestyles of the rich and famous, but it seems that celebrity relationships are not one of them. If celebrities are unable to maintain a relationship - even with their perfectlycoiffedhairstyles, ageless skin, stylisedwardrobes, and luxurious homes - then what hope is there for the rest of us? 富人和明星的生活方式有很多让人羡慕的地方,但他们的感情生活显然不令人羡慕。如果就连那些拥有完美发型、不老容颜、精致服饰和豪宅的明星都难以维持稳定的感情关系,那么我们普通人又该如何去期待呢? coiffed coiffed /kwɒft/ 表示“有时髦发型的;发式漂亮的”,英文解释为“Coiffed hair is carefully arranged in an attractive style.”举个🌰:How do those TV mothers always manage to look so immaculately coiffed as they do the housework? 电视里的那些母亲怎么总是能在做家务时看上去还有那么整洁利落的发型呢? wardrobe wardrobe /ˈwɔː.drəʊb/ 1)表示“衣橱,衣柜”,英文解释为“a tall cupboard in which you hang your clothes”举个🌰:He hung his suit in the wardrobe. 他把西装挂进衣柜里。 2)表示“(某人的)全部衣服”,英文解释为“all of the clothes that a person owns”举个🌰:I need a new summer wardrobe (= new clothes for summer). 我需要一批夏天的新衣服。 Luckily, none of that matters, according to Kowalski. 幸运的是,科瓦尔斯基表示,这些都不重要。 “I think that's all thesuperficial, surface-level stuff. That's not what it takes to maintain a relationship,” said Kowalski. “If they truly want to have a sustainable relationship, it would mean that they need to maybe take a step back from whatever they're doing, focus more on the relationship, put the career on hold, or make that come second to the relationship.” 她说:“我认为那都是表面、肤浅的东西。那不是维持一段感情关系所需要的。”科瓦尔斯基表示,“如果他们真的想维持一段可持续的感情关系,那意味着他们可能需要从他们正在做的事情中后退一步,把更多的精力放在这段关系上,把事业放在一边,或者把它放在爱情之后。” superficial superficial /ˌsuː.pəˈfɪʃ.əl/ 1)表示“表面的,浅显的,肤浅的”,英文解释为“not complete and involving only the most obvious things”举个🌰:I thought that article was written at a very superficial level. 我认为那篇文章写得很肤浅。 2)表示“(人)浅薄的,肤浅的”,英文解释为“(of a person) never thinking about things that are serious or important” - 词汇盘点 - age-old、 death comes in threes、 bound、 speculate、 affirmation、 amicable、 strain、 sustainable、 conducive、 intimate、 scrutinise、 signify、 sync、 alignment、 bandwidth、 erode、 demanding、 trauma、 plague、 perk、 commodity、 coiffed、 wardrobe、 superficial、 - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT - Amid age-old superstitions like "death comes in threes," Sarah and Bob, bound by an amicable yet strained relationship, speculated on sustainable commodities. They scrutinized coiffed celebrities, affirming that wardrobe and superficial perks signify nothing. Both found trauma and plagues more demanding of their emotional bandwidth. Their intimate talks, in sync and alignment, were conducive to healing, eroding past strains.
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